Tuesday, January 31, 2012


6 six billion, 9 hundred and 90 million, 3 hundred and 15 thousand, 8 hundred and 76 chances...

to run to something, to run from something.
to hide, to seek; to exist or just to live.
6, 990, 315, 876 people in this world.
somehow, each and every person in that number
is one hundred percent significant to me.

Significance, coincidence, or fate; it all assimilates together in the end.
Because of all the moments I have experienced,
of all the accidentally dialed phone calls, all the shaky handed but completely on purpose dialed calls,
of all the nights slipping in the back door moments before sunrise, all the nights staying in watching chick flicks that ill never admit i secretly love,
of all the 4 am gas station coffee runs, and the realization that i absolutely can not stand coffee
I have interacted with at least one person in the   6,990,315,876.
and that person has laughed, cried, fallen in love with another person in the 6,990,315,876.
and that person has also laughed, cried, fallen in love with a completely different person in the 6,990,315,876
and that person has laughed with another person,
and that person has cried with a completely different person,
and that person has fallen in love with a completely different person
all within the 6,990,315,876 people existing
right now.

Somehow, through all the interactions with others
all the wrong left turns ive taken, or even all the right wrong turns;
all the sunny days spent alone, or all the friday nights spent with friends
all the times I heard my favorite songs live, but had no one to share the moment with, or
all the times I heard my favorite songs in my best friends care, and felt infinite;
all of this has led up to here, to you. 

6 billion, 9 hundred 90 million, 3 hundred 15 thousand, 8 hundred 76 people.
6 billion, 9 hundred 90 million, 3 hundred 15 thousand, 8 hundred 76 chances.
and somehow, the world showed me I only need one.

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